Eeek! When Bekki From Chasing SuperMom asked if I would guest blog for her confessional I have to admit, I was kinda nervous, reluctant but excited. It was the first time I was ever asked to guest blog. I figured that the 2 whole people that actually read my blog would never ask me such a crazy thing!
I wasn't sure if I wanted to display my shortcomings and proof that I am not perfect for all the Cyber world to see. I try really dang hard to keep up the image that I never make mistakes and I am doing everything the right way. (ok, not really)
Well, I accepted her offer and today is the day that my failures and secrets are on display.
There are on her site under the confessional heading...scroll down a bit. Click right here!!
enjoy..and please..try no to talk too much crap in your comments.
Thank you Bekki for the oppotunity to get that all off my chest!
I'm a mum of 3 with 2 on the spectrum and I can tell you your totally not alone in the whole screw the housework and cooking stuff! Takeaway is a godsend when you have picky eaters lol as for a having a perfectly clean and tidy hOusehold I can achieve that if I stop sleeping all together so screw that, if the kids are calm and happy I'm not gonna screw it up by turning on the vacuum lol